Spring Closet Clean Out Tips

It’s called spring cleaning for a reason! The transition period from winter to spring is the perfect time to take inventory of what you have, what you need, what you didn’t wear the previous season, and what you need to say goodbye this spring closet clean out.

Closet clean outs outs bring me so much joy because you’re entering a brand new season, the weather starts to warm up and you get to redefine your style goals and find your motivation for the upcoming months.

Spring Closet Clean Out Tips

Tip 1: Reflect on the Previous Season

For me, before I even start my spring wardrobe, I reflect on the previous fall and winter that just passed. It’s the perfect time to pull out any items that I didn’t wear instead of waiting until next year to get rid of the items. And no, don’t say to yourself, “well maybe I will wear it next year” because the truth is, if you didn’t wear it this year, you won’t be wearing it next year.

Store Away Off Season Items

Next step, is to store away any of the fall and winter items that will serve you no purpose in this upcoming spring and summer. I like to have as many all year round items as I possibly can. Storing away clothes for specific seasons seems like a waste to me. I know that sometimes it’s unavoidable because we all need a coat and there is no way to transition a coat into summer. However, the goal is to have majority of my wardrobe be jeans, nice t-shirts and jackets that I can wear all year long, no matter what season it is.

Ps: Don’t store away all of your booties, because some booties can look super cute paired with a summer dress.

After you get rid of your fall and winter clothes that will no longer be suitable for spring and summer, we will start unpacking our warm clothes that may or may not have been stored away.

Bring Out Your Spring and Summer Items


When you start bringing out your spring and summer clothing don’t just hang it all up with no thought to it. Instead, think about each item intentionally.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself:

  1. “Is this item bringing me joy?”
  2. “Does this item fit me?”
  3. “Does this item flatter me?”
  4. “Did I wear this item last year?”
  5. “Are there multiple outfits I can wear with this item?”

These are a few of my favorite questions that I like to ask myself. You shouldn’t wear an item that doesn’t fit or flatter you, and even it does fit and flatter you, but it doesn’t bring you joy, you won’t choose to wear it.

Create Your Shopping List

After going through your items, get rid of any clothing that you already know is just going to be a waste of space. No need to have items hanging there just for the heck of it. Once you have kept the items you love, and made space for new items, determine what new items you need. And not just items you think would be fun, or cute items you see in the store, but instead figure out what pieces your wardrobe is lacking.

That way the next time you go into a store, you have a specific list of items that will add value to your wardrobe. This will help keep you on track, moving towards your wardrobe goals, and being financially smart at the same time.

7 Day Spring Closet Clean Out

A big closet clean out does not need to all happen in one day or one weekend! A lot of people do not do closet clean outs because they get overwhelmed by the thought of it before they even decide to do it. Devoting an entire Saturday or weekend to a closet clean out sounds dreadful especially if you work all week.

This past week, I brought my Instagram followers along on a 7 day spring closet clean out of my own. I gave everyone a sneak peak of how I like to do my closet detoxes, and what items I chose to get rid of and why, as well as my organization hacks. I do a closet clean out every single season, and I still ended up getting rid of quite a bit.

The reason spreading it out over seven days is better is because you only need to devote about 30 minutes each day to the process, which is totally do able!

My schedule looked something like this:

  1. Bags (purses, travel bags, etc)
  2. Shoes
  3. Jeans & Bottoms
  4. Tops & Dresses
  5. Bathing suits, Undergarments
  6. Workout Clothing
  7. Everything else (under bed, random drawers, papers on desk, etc)

Long-term Plan

After working hard to make progress on your wardrobe, you need to create a plan how you are going to continue to build a wardrobe you love. Most of this has to do with when you are shopping! Try to stay away from extremely trendy items that you will just be detoxing next year. Instead buy items that will bring value to your wardrobe years to come.

If you are ready to detox your closet, but you want a professional style coach along side of you, then sign up for my closet consultation plus closet detox service. This service comes with a free package of 100 velvet hangers!

Ps. click through my website to see the new look! Thanks to the Cincinnati Web Design Company, Robben Media for the help.