Our Style Foundation Package

Are you overwhelmed with clothing? Not sure what you like, what looks good on you or what items you should be purchasing?

This step will provide you with the neccessary info you need to make great wardrobe decisions!

Body Shape Analysis

Knowing how to dress for your particular body shape is key to looking great!

Without this knowledge, you might not know which clothing cuts, styles and lengths look best on you, how to wear certain items to suit your body best.

Knowing what styles are the most flattering on you, will help you know what to look for when you are shopping.

Color Analysis

Find your best colors through our comprehensive seasonal color analysis.

Wearing the right colors automatically enhances your style, creates a healthier, more youthful look to your skin and gives you an overall more impactful image.

Knowing what colors to wear and having them all mix and match well together, ultimately saves you time and money.

Style Discovery

Building a successful wardrobe starts with understanding what your desired personal style is.

This step will help you define exactly what you want your desired personal style to be.

In addition to defining your personal style, we will highlight key pieces you should add to your wardrobe as well as recommended stores to shop at in order to achieve this style.

Package Price

Body Shape Analysis (Value: $150)
Color Analysis (Value: $250)
Style Discovery (Value: $150)
Package Pricing: $400 ($150 Savings)

Book Your Foundation Apt

This service can be done in person or virtually.