





Hi everyone! If you have been keeping up with my social media, I am sure you are aware that the past week I visited NYC for the first time (I know, it’s crazy it was my first time!). I absolutely loved the city, and can’t wait to go back. Although I had a couple photo shoots planned, I was only able to complete this one. This outfit is very NYC inspired and I had a blast shooting in the city. I currently am a huge fan of thigh high socks & boots combined with a skirt and crop top or an oversized sweater. I noticed it was a lot easier to find photo shoot spots in a city of this size and this pretty! Next time I visit the city, I will be looking for other bloggers to meet up with and shoot together. Please reach out if you are from NYC, I would love to meet you!

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Suede & Suede








I recently watched a documentary called The True Cost that has to do with fast fashion and sweatshops. If I am going to be blogging about fashion I want to be familiar with the industry. I want to be aware of what clothes I am buying and where they are coming from, especially if I can have an impact. We as consumers have the power to control what we buy and in return feel good about its effects on other humans. The documentary truly hit home and made me want to simplify my wardrobe. You will start to see a gradual change from my current wardrobe. I want to become more minimal and shop smarter! This isn’t a post bashing the big retailers, but if I am going to make a change I want you all to be aware of it!

Skirts have been a huge trend this season and I finally jumped on the bandwagon. I am always hesitant to shop trends because I want to minimize my wardrobe, but a skirt like this I don’t see going out of style soon. Both suede and denim skirts are in right now. I ended up going double suede with my flats which is a unique touch.

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