Creating and Achieving Your Fashion Resolutions 2021

It’s a new year, which means it’s time to get started on your fashion resolutions 2021! Haven’t set any yet? Not to worry. Let’s talk about how to get started.

You are not alone if you spent 2020 rotating through sweatpants and old t-shirts. It’s easy to do when you’re spending more of your time at home, work meetings are virtual, and social events are less frequent than ever. Now, it’s time to break the habit. Get dressed in a way that makes you feel confident! It’s such a great way to boost your mood and creativity throughout the day. This year, resolve to elevate your personal style.

What do you want your 2021 fashion resolutions to be? The answer will be different for everybody. Do you want to find your fashion identity? Do you want to take more risks with clothing? Is it time to make your wardrobe a better reflection of your lifestyle? Whatever the answer may be, we can help. Reach out today for a little extra advice and support as you work toward your fashion goals. There’s no barrier too large; we would love to help you move past whatever has been holding your style back. Keep reading for ideas of how to get started.

Find Inspiration and Create a Mood Board

how to find fashion inspiration

Before you can begin revamping your look, you will first want to find some inspiration. This will offer direction as you work toward your 2021 fashion resolutions. You may already have a loose idea in your head of what you want your style to be, but it’s crucial to have concrete reference materials.

One way to start could be brainstorming adjectives that describe your ideal style. What impression do you want yourself and others to have of you from this point forward? Some example adjectives are as follows: bold, sexy, refined, playful, artistic, confident, strong, feminine, effortless, classic, and edgy. Of course, there are endless possibilities to choose from, and we each have a little of everything on the inside. Try to choose the three or four adjectives that speak to you most and write these down.

Next, start thinking of visuals that encapsulate your ideas. Look at how people on the street are dressed. Flip through a magazine or scroll through Pinterest. Ask yourself what you’re intuitively drawn to and start putting together a mood board of these images. Again, this mood board can be a tangible item or a board on Pinterest, whichever you prefer. Don’t overthink it! As you gather images, patterns will naturally emerge and give clues to what your style is. Check out our Pinterest to get your ideas flowing. Then, watch Alli explain how she creates her mood boards to give you extra guidance as you create yours.

I love starting a wardrobe refresh this way because it allows you to get out of your head and consider what ideas excite you instead of limiting your ideas to what you think you’re able to pull off. If you begin by going to a store and hoping inspiration will strike there, chances are you will grab the same pieces you always do. Keep an open mind. After you’ve developed your ideas, then it’s time to adapt them to your body type and lifestyle.

Consider Your Style and Wardrobe

Fashion resolutions 2021

Now that you have the inspiration and momentum toward your 2021 fashion resolutions, you can start paring down to the ideas you will pursue.

Consider the needs within your daily routine. Where do you spend most of your time? When getting dressed for your most common occasions — such as work, date nights, or casual weekend looks – which are you most dissatisfied with and why? You might hate your work looks because your office-appropriate pieces look dated. Maybe you feel like your outfits for running errands are boring and uninspired. If one of the trends on your mood board is compatible with your lifestyle and wardrobe needs, it could be a great idea to pursue.

Don’t forget to consider how the trend will translate into your existing wardrobe! It can be tempting to start from scratch if you hate everything about your current wardrobe. Realistically, though, this isn’t always possible. Transitions happen over time. Prioritize the trends on your list that can be seamlessly incorporated into what you are wearing now. Skip the “contingent trends” – those that require investing in 20 different pieces before they will realistically work with what’s in your closet now.

A contingent trend can either mean that the piece is too trendy, or it doesn’t truly fit your style. For example, if you have a preppy style and want to incorporate more edgy themes, you may struggle to do this comfortably. Alternatively, if the trend you want to add to your closet is too trendy, you may feel like there are only one or two “right” ways to pull it off. Achieving those looks would require investing in all the newest pieces of the season. This isn’t a sustainable approach.

It’s best to instead pursue more general ideas in fashion rather than chasing the it-girl details of the moment. This helps you build a wardrobe that you’ll continue to love for years to come. You may be obsessed with the leather trench coat that a fashion blogger wore. Instead, consider adding a classic trench to your closet to participate in trends more subtly. Ironically enough, essential layering pieces like this are very “in” right now.

Incorporate New Pieces Slowly

fashion goals 2021

You’ve decided which trends will work best for your fashion resolutions of 2021 and you’re ready to buy. Pace yourself! Just like you shouldn’t jump into potentially unrealistic trends, you also shouldn’t invest in every seemingly realistic trend at once. It’s possible that they won’t work out as well as you’re expecting. Maybe you simply don’t love the new items as much as you thought you would, or perhaps they don’t pair as well with your wardrobe as you imagined.

It’s best to add a piece or two to your closet, try them out and observe how they work for you, and adjust your approach to your wardrobe as you go. Pushing your fashion boundaries isn’t about buying tons of pieces that are outside of your comfort zone. It’s about buying a new item or two that will transform the way you wear your current wardrobe. These will often be modern updates on foundational pieces, such as a straight leg jean. Keep in mind that each purchase should be strategic for your wardrobe overall.

To ensure this, peek inside your closet. What would you wear that new item with? Try to put some outfits together that includes the piece you want to buy. If you can’t create at least four or five looks with the item, it’s probably not a great purchase for you right now. We want you to be excited about the new additions to your closet, but even more so, we want them to be practical!

Wrap Up

Who doesn’t want to feel more stylish this year? It’s an ambiguous goal to work toward. Get started by setting clear fashion resolutions for 2021 and implementing them using these steps. It will put you on the right path to finding the personal style that’s been inside you all along, coming up with a plan to bring that style into your wardrobe, and doing so in a way that truly works for you.

Don’t be afraid to push your fashion boundaries this year! You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Besides, a style update is easier than you might think. It’s incredible how a few intentional purchases and considered styling can revamp your whole look. We would love to help you reach your fashion goals. Here’s to a new year in style!

How To Take Care of your Clothes

One of my biggest pet peeves is when a favorite piece of clothing starts pilling, showing loose threads, fading, or otherwise looking worn. The best way to prevent this is to learn to take care of your clothes. This will extend their life in your closet.

Plus, clothes that are in good condition make you look more polished and prevent you from having to constantly find replacements. It’s the easiest way to save time and money on your wardrobe. Learning to properly care for clothing is a great idea if you’ve invested in some high-quality items that you want to maintain, if you want to preserve sentimental pieces so they last a lifetime, or if you’re on a tight budget that doesn’t allow for extra clothing expenses.

If it’s a little too late for some of the items in your closet, now would be a great time to book a closet cleanse. We’ll help you sort through the pieces that are past their prime and create an individualized list of closet essentials that you will wear for years to come.

Preventative Measures

If memorizing a bunch of rules to take care of your clothes sounds overwhelming, not to worry: There are plenty of simple preventative measures you can take.

The first tip to prevent clothing from prematurely looking worn is to choose high-quality pieces. This means you should look for well-sewn garments, durable textiles, and dyes that won’t fade or transfer. A high-quality garment is thoughtfully constructed to stand the test of time, whereas lower quality alternatives tend to prioritize an appealing price point and rapid production at the expense of good construction.

This is why high-quality items sometimes cost more. When shopping, be sure to examine the fabric closely. Is the stitching tight and even? If it’s stretchy, does the fabric bounce back after being stretched? Start to pay attention to these details. You’ll thank yourself later when you get to skip your annual jean shopping trip. If you need help finding long-lasting pieces, reach out and we will help you find some great options!

Once you take these high-quality finds home, there are a couple of simple steps you can take to prevent them from getting damaged. One of these is proper storage. There are certain items that are prone to getting stretched out if hung up, such as heavy sweaters and knitwear, high-stretch jersey fabrics, and pieces with heavy embellishments. To prevent these items from stretching or warping, keep them neatly folded. Place tissue paper between any pieces with sequins or rhinestones so that they don’t snag other garments.

Additionally, many of us are washing our clothes more often than we need to. Machine washing — and drying especially — can cause premature damage to our clothing. Avoid this by washing less often. Don’t wash just because you wore the item once or twice. If the garment has a stain that is not able to be wiped off or if it has an odor, then it’s time to throw it in the laundry. Besides, what’s not to love about less laundry?


garment maintainence

Speaking of laundry, washing garments correctly is essential if you want to take care of your clothes. This is where things get a little more complicated as different fabrics have different needs. However, it’s more than worth taking the time to learn. Start with these rules of thumb, but always read the garment tag for full washing instructions.

  1. There are certain items that should never be machine washed. These include intimates, such as bras with underwire or padding, lace, embroidery, embellished garments, ties, and sweaters. These are all too delicate to put in the wash, even on the delicate setting! All the tumbling can cause rips, snags, and warping of your favorite pieces. Though it’s not recommended to throw them in the washer at all, some of the damage can be reduced if they are washed in an intimates bag on a gentle setting. Instead, it’s best to hand wash them.
  2. Pay attention to water temperature. Most of us already know that hot water encourages the bleeding of fabric dyes. For this reason, the hot setting on the washer is best reserved for white clothing and natural undyed fabrics. Bright colors, dark or saturated colors, and indigos should be washed on the cold setting. Somewhere in between? Warm is probably fine, but cold is always safest.
  3. Choose the right detergent. Sometimes, a bad detergent can damage your clothing by promoting fading and deterioration. Opt for detergents with plant-derived ingredients that preserve color. These will be safer to use when hand washing delicates, too, which you would otherwise need a special detergent for.
  4. Beware the dryer. The dryer is especially important to avoid for cotton and wool which will shrink. Instead, lay these items flat on a towel to dry to preserve their shape. Other items may need to be line-dried if the fabric deteriorates in the high heat of the dryer, such as items with elastic. Your high-stretch jeans and bras should never go in the dryer for this reason.

Tailoring and Repairs

how to care for your clothes

Sometimes fabric holes and damage occur no matter how well you take care of your clothes. You don’t always have to throw these damaged items away! Take them to a trusted tailor or cobbler instead. You will be amazed by how these items come back to life with a little help from a professional. Just be sure to take them in as soon as the damage occurs for the best results. The damage will only get worse and less reversible with time!

While tailors are great for fitting your clothing, they can also help with clothing repairs. Take your clothes in if a loose hem needs to be fixed, a fabric hole needs patching, a loose button needs to be resewn, or a zipper needs replacing. Knitwear tends to be a little more complicated. Fortunately, you can send your sweaters to AlterKnit for virtually invisible mending of holes. If a repair of your clothing is possible, it usually makes financial sense to fix the defect rather than replace the entire item. Take your clothing in and see what solutions they can offer you.

A cobbler will be able to repair your leather accessories. I’ve gone to my cobbler to punch a new hole in a favorite belt, shine and de-scuff a pair of dull leather heels, and resole boots that were getting worn down. They can even restore leather handbags and wallets. This is a time when you will notice the perks of investing in high-quality items; damage can be repaired time after time because of the quality materials and construction.


You shouldn’t have to spend your hard-earned time and money each season on replenishing your closet with new favorites. It’s exhausting! The constant cycle of buying and throwing out clothes is what makes us settle for mediocre options. If you’re going to invest in a wardrobe you love, it makes sense to take care of your clothes. Fortunately, it’s not as hard as it may seem. Follow these guidelines from your initial clothing purchase to any necessary repairs years later, staying proactive at each step, and you’ll have pieces that you can keep for a lifetime. 

2021 New Year’s Resolutions: Hire a Personal Stylist

With 2020 finally behind us, many are turning to New Year’s resolutions with hopes of a brighter year ahead. There has never been a better time to hire a personal stylist! Whether you’re resolving to declutter your closet, advance your career, or achieve fitness goals, a stylist can be vital to your journey.

It’s no secret that 2020 was a strange year for everyone. It was a year of adapting to new norms and reflecting on our values. For some, the loss of routine meant our diet and self-care went by the wayside. For others, spending more time at home allowed us to find new passions or focus on our career. After a year that felt simultaneously stagnant and chaotic, it’s time to invest in our future.

I love the idea of using your image to commemorate a new chapter in life. Your outward appearance is a symbol of your evolving identity, so take the time to figure out exactly what that looks like in 2021. What accomplishments and traits do you want to celebrate? How can you showcase the best version of yourself this year? It can be a daunting task. Enlist the help of a professional! Let’s grab a coffee and talk about your personal style goals so you can put your best foot forward in 2021.

Start the Year with a Clean Slate: A Fresh Closet and Decluttered Mind

closet clean out cincinnati

Out with the old, in with the new. The new year is the perfect occasion for purging anything that doesn’t add value to your life, including old clothing and accessories that you’ve accumulated over the years. We all have old clothes that we struggle to part with. Maybe we’re convincing ourselves that they will come in handy eventually or the right occasion will come up. But, sifting through this deadweight when we get dressed in the morning only adds burden to our routine. Having too many options tends to put people in a style rut: instead of finding creative new ways to wear old pieces, we just end up wearing the same few items again and again.

Start the new year with a clean slate! Throw out any items that are no longer working for your style goals. Often, identifying the pieces worth keeping or tossing requires a fresh set of eyes. Book us as your personal stylist for a closet cleanout and we’ll do the hard work for you! We’ll help sort through any items that don’t fit your lifestyle, look worn, aren’t getting used, or don’t fit properly to uncover your true personal style.

Having a fresh, decluttered wardrobe is such a satisfying feeling. This is the first step to any style evolution you hope to achieve and can even propel you forward in other areas of your life. Our closet cleaning services can help you streamline your morning routine, feel more organized, and boost your confidence, which sets the tone for the rest of your busy day ahead. Who wouldn’t want to start their day off with a little more ease and excitement? We’re willing to bet that other areas of your life will benefit, too. Book an appointment with a personal stylist to see for yourself!

Want a Promotion? Dress for the Part

how to dress professionally 2021

Many of us saw changes in the workplace in 2020 such as a transition to remote work. These unexpected changes may have encouraged reflection on your current position. Or perhaps you used the extra time at home to develop new job skills and refine your career goals. This combined with the new year may have you considering how you’ll progress at your job in 2021. Hoping for a promotion this year? Your personal style plays a bigger role than you might think.

It may sound like cliché advice, but it holds true that you should dress for the job you want rather than the job you have. This is important for a couple of reasons. First, it forces your employer to envision you in your role of choice. It’s true that clothing doesn’t exactly impact your qualifications, but your image can frame you differently as an applicant. Second, dressing for the job you want can boost your confidence! It will help you to look forward and keep your goals in mind. It may even help ward off imposter syndrome as you start a new job.

A personal stylist can help you dress the part for your dream job in a way that feels genuine to you. You’re focused on your career development – have someone else worry about curating the image that will get you there. This might include finding you a few “Zoom tops” and accessories that will pop on camera for video calls or finding the perfect knit blazer that’s comfortable now and appropriate for in-person meetings later. We’ll help you get through any tough workplace transitions ahead.

Wear Clothing that Motivates for Your Fitness Resolutions

atheleisure style 2021

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to get in shape. This may feel more pressing than ever if you’ve spent the better part of 2020 at home, eating at your convenience, and out of the gym. It can be a vulnerable and discouraging process without the right support. So, how do you maintain your motivation and confidence throughout this? One tool you have to support your fitness resolution is clothing. 

Clothing is an often-forgotten element of fitness except for at the “before” and “after” stages of the journey. People put so much pressure on reaching the “after” stage that the process becomes intimidating and they have a hard time maintaining self-love in the in-between phases. Of course, men and women deserve to feel confident at every stage. Let a personal stylist advise on the best wardrobe choices to support your needs as you work toward these goals.

First, you will need athleticwear that you feel great in for every tough workout, like high-quality leggings. These pieces should fit well, be comfortable, and have an attractive design. You may even be motivated to work out more often if you love what you’re wearing!

Everyday wear is also crucial to your fitness journey. Specifically, you should make sure you have clothing that fits at each stage. You won’t reach your goal overnight, and there is no reason you should have ill-fitting clothing as punishment in the meantime. No one looks their best in clothing that doesn’t fit. We believe you deserve to look your best every day, and we’d love to help you find the clothing to suit your needs as you work toward your goal.


A new year calls for setting goals and making changes in our lives. Whatever your resolution is this year, we can help support you through the transitions ahead. Working with a personal stylist to hone in on your style can provide you with the sense of self and the confidence necessary for growth.

Interested in hearing how our services have helped others like you? Check out our client’s stories and results for inspiration. We’d love the chance to be a part of your story this year, too. Reach out and let’s chat about how evolving your personal style can complement your goals for 2021.

Your Sustainable Shopping Guide

With consumers’ rising focus on sustainability and ethical business practices, the fashion industry has been the target of much criticism. Follow this sustainable shopping guide to navigate the issues and make informed purchasing decisions, including where to shop and what products to buy.

The Current Fashion Industry

The fashion industry produces an enormous amount of waste annually both throughout the stages of production and at the end of the season when they discard “old” unsold products. This is primarily a result of industrialization and changing consumer expectations. When clothing was made by hand, garments were maintained with the intention of keeping for life rather than replacing them as new trends arose.

Now, customers can purchase any style that catches their eye directly from Instagram or fast-fashion retailers within seconds. This puts pressure on clothing companies to manufacture and export the newest designs and for customers to constantly keep up with the trends filling their newsfeeds.

This creates several more issues beyond just excess clothing ending up in landfills. A fast production cycle means that natural resources are severely strained, production is outsourced and factory workers are underpaid to cut costs, and product quality decreases. The decreased quality keeps consumers in the cycle of always buying new. Clearly, this is not a sustainable cycle!

Don’t be discouraged, however. Our purchasing decisions can have an enormous impact on the fashion industry. Ultimately, we are the ones who decide which companies stay in business and which don’t. So, support the companies whose practices align with your values. This sustainable shopping guide will help you to become a conscious consumer and to make purchases that you feel great about!

We know you guys care because more than ever before, we’ve had many new clients asking us about our Capsule Wardrobe Service. Less is more these days, and sustainable clothing is a new priority as well. 

Consider All Factors

sustainable shopping

The first step in any sustainable shopping guide is to do your research. Consider starting with your favorite brands and find out all your can about their practices. Most of this information will be freely available online with a few quick searches. Another great place to look for info is the “about” section of their website, which often includes the company’s mission statement and any current initiatives they’re taking to improve their practices.

A great starting point for this research is a website called Good On You. This website offers a comprehensive rating on ethical practices for a wide array of brands, factoring in environmental impact, animal welfare practices, gender equality and livable wage policies, and more. Note that their rating system is intended as an overview or starting point, and it will be useful to look further into the issues that matter most to you.

Unsure of what factors to consider when shopping? Consider the following:

  1. Where was the garment made? Perhaps you value products that are made in the USA. Labor laws differ from country to country, too, and this may shape their employees’ pay.
  2. What is the garment is made of? More and more consumers are taking a stance on the use of leather and fur especially. Brands are taking notice, too! Brands from H&M to Stella McCartney have gone cruelty-free or at least made strides in that direction.
  3. What are they doing to combat waste? Many brands are finding innovative ways to lessen their environmental impact. Cotton is notorious for the volume of water used in production, so denim brands like Levi’s are turning to hemp fabrications instead. Reformation is another brand applauded for its practices, including its use of deadstock fabrics in production.
  4. How are workers paid? It’s hard to feel good about a purchase if you know the brand isn’t paying their employees enough to get by or are relying on child labor. Read up on what policies they have in place on these issues.
  5. Does the brand prioritize inclusivity? They may promote size diversity through plus size and petite options. Undergarment companies may promote racial diversity by including a range of nude shades – not just a light beige – in underwear and hosiery. You may also notice that the company photographs their products on models of different shapes, sizes, and races, as well as on differently-abled models. These are all steps toward expanding representation and inclusivity in the fashion industry.

Shop Secondhand

Perhaps this is all starting to sound overwhelming. Certainly, informed shopping requires a good deal of research. Don’t let that deter you! For a simpler approach to guide your ethical shopping, start with secondhand stores.

This allows you to shop in one place and know that any item you purchase is environmentally friendly. No research needed. Sure, the brands carried by the secondhand store will vary in ethical practices, but your purchase is no longer directly supporting the brand and its practices. Any indirect support is relatively minor.

The garment has already been produced and used by the original owner, so you can feel good about 1) preventing one item from ending up in a landfill, and 2) eliminating the environmental impact that would come along with you buying the same item new. An added bonus? Preowned items often sell for 70+% off retail! Sustainable and good for your finances. It’s a win-win approach.

You can find preowned clothing from all your favorite brands and in any price range. Shop at stores like Goodwill for the most bang for your buck, Clothes Mentor for good deals on name brands, and Vestiaire Collective for preowned luxury goods. Vestiaire Collective is one of many online resale shops now available, which makes your ethical shopping pandemic-friendly, too.

You may be wondering, does A Style Breeze have styling appointments at second hand stores? We sure do!

Shop Sustainably Locally 

sustainable boutiques in cincinnati

No ethical shopping guide would be complete without mentioning local businesses! It’s always a good idea to support local, and clothing is no exception. This eliminates the myriad environmental impacts of shipping products overseas and packaging them to be delivered on your doorstep.

In addition to cutting the enormous emissions associated with shipping, this mode of manufacturing can drastically reduce product waste. This is because the manufacturing of local products tends to lean toward a “made to order” production cycle, therefore eliminating deadstock.

Several boutiques in Cincinnati are making an effort to support this cause. The Wolfpack, Idlewild Woman, and Continuum Bazaar all offer unique products hand-selected by the owners for their emphasis on sustainable and ethical practices.

Most notably, they stock product lines from Ohio-based designers. Idlewild Woman carries designs from its owners and manager, such as ceramics made in Greenville, Ohio, and totes and clothing made here in Cincinnati. These products are sustainable, unique, and support our local talent!

In addition to the manufacturing location, it’s a good idea to also pay attention to where the raw materials are sourced from. Just because a shirt is sewn in the USA doesn’t mean the textiles are from here, and shipping of materials overseas is still associated with high carbon emissions. Be sure to ask the store’s sales associates if you are unsure!

Wrap Up

It can be quite a learning curve to understand all the factors that play into making a business ethical. This sustainable shopping guide should help you get started on examining the most prominent issues, but, ultimately, it’s up to you to decide where your values lie and which companies to support.

If you’re feeling a little lost, let us do the work for you. Our team is familiar with brands committed to sustainable and ethical practices that will fit any style and budget. 

Besides choosing ethical brands and ways to shop, responsible shopping also means bearing COVID-19 risks in mind. We are committed to your health and safety. Reach out to a Cincinnati personal shopper if you would like help in your journey towards sustainable shopping.